
Syntek is an object oriented language. Types such as strings and arrays are objects. A class is similar to an object, as it can hold properties and methods.

Creating a class

You can create a class using the class keyword.

class MyClass


Properties can be added to a class to store information.

class MyClass
  x = 5

To access a class property from inside the class you use the this keyword. Without the this keyword it tries to find the variable in the top level of the file, instead of in the class.


Methods are used to add specific behaviour to a class.

class MyClass
  x = 5

  function printX()


The constructor of a class is called when the class is instantiated. The constructor is a function with the same name as the class.

class MyClass
  function MyClass()
    print('New MyClass object!')

A constructor can also take in parameters, which can be passed to it on creation.

class MyClass
  function MyClass(x)


To declare a property or method as static you prefix it with the static keyword.

class MyClass
  static x = 5

MyClass.x # 5

Instantiating a class

To instantiate a class you use the new keyword.

class MyClass
  function MyClass(x)
    this.x = x

myClass = new MyClass(5)
print(myClass.x) # 5