Conditional Statements

Syntek contains 3 conditional statements. if, else and else if.


An if statement is used for running a specific piece of code depending on a condition. If statements start with the if keyword, and are written without parentheses. When the condition is true, the code inside the body is executed.

x = 5

if x is 5
  print('x is 5')

If a variable is a boolean it does not require any comparison operator.

enabled = true

if enabled


An else statement is executed when the condition in the if statement is not true. An else statement requires an if block above it.

x = 6

if x is 5
  print('x is 5')
  print('x is not 5')

If else

An if and else statement can be combined into an else if statement. This can be used to chain several if statements.

x = 5

if x is 4
  print('x is 4')
else if x is 5
  print('x is 5')
  print('x is not 4 and not 5')