
Operators in Syntek are kept to the bare minimum. Some operators found in other programming languages are not implemented to keep the language as easy as possible for beginners.


Syntek only contains the essentials arithmetic operators. The operators are listed in the table below.

Operator Description Example Result
+ addition 5 + 2 7
- subtraction 5 - 2 3
/ division 5 / 2 2.5
% modulo 5 % 2 1
^ pow 5 ^ 2 25

Operators such as ++ and -- are not implemented, as they can be confusing to beginners. The functionality of these operators are also minor, as they can just be written as

x = x + 1
x = x - 1


The only assignment operator is =, because operators such as +=, /= and others can be confusing for beginners.

x = 5
x = x + 5
y = x - 5
y = y / 2


Comparison operators are written in plain English to make it easy to read. All comparison operators are listed in the table below.

Operator Description Example JavaScript
is equal to a is 5 a === 5
is not not equal a is not 5 a !== 5
is greater than greater than a is greater than 5 a > 5
is less than less than a is less than 5 a < 5


Logical operators are also written in plain English. All logical operators are listed in the table below.

Operator Example JavaScript
and true and true &&
or true or false ||
not not false !


Function using a comparison operator:

function factorial(x)
  if x is 0
    return 1
    return x * factorial(x - 1)